New Year - New Space!!

Happy Post-Holiday Season! Like our readers, our staff was pulled all across the state to celebrate the holidays and the New Year with family and friends. As we are all getting back into the flow of events, we have another announcement -- WE MOVED!!! It has been a long time coming and after months of searching and debating we finally found a new home for our shop. Our move will allow us to be more accessible to our clients, and make it much easier for our clients to drop in for a consultation. It has also doubled our amount of space allowing us to have more room to work, store amazing containers, and design even larger events.

Our new space and our personally designed work station. Didn't Althea do great?!

We will be open for business at our new location on Monday January 14th, but we are still available by phone and email prior to that. Between January 7th and 13th, we will be available on a limited basis as we organize after the move. Please call or email us during these times and come see us after the 14th!

We are so excited about our move, and will be posting more pictures of our new space soon. Be sure to keep an eye out!

**Our new mailing address:
2015 C Main Dr.
Fayetteville, AR 72704
(Located in Johnson)

For directions click here: MAP

 See you soon!!

Boxes. Boxes. Boxes. We are slowly beginning to fill up all our shelves and are already talking about needing more!



Flower of the Month: January - Carnation


True Love Tuesday: Noy and Darwin