50 Years Ago Today: Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton

Fifty years ago today Elizabeth Taylor married Richard Burton. In an unusual wedding, Liz wore a yellow, empire style chiffon gown. In her traditional, out of the norm style, she wore a crown of white hyacinths and lilies of the valley around her head that cascaded down her pulled back hair style. Like many Hollywood couples Taylor and Burton meet onset of a movie they costarred. In 1961 they meet on the set of


; Taylor playing the eternal Queen and Goddess and Burton playing her second husband, Marc Antony. Throughout their careers they costarred in 11 films together.

Burton was Taylor’s fifth husband, married only days after Taylor was divorced from her previous husband. They would be married for ten years before they divorced in 1974. A year later they remarried, only to divorce again less than a year later. Taylor would have a total of seven husbands and was divorced when she died in 2011. 

* Image courtesy of www.weddingroundup.com.


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