Which bouquet style is best for me?
Bouquet styles have evolved over the years to reflect the times and the personality of the person carrying it. Today, wedding bouquets come in a variety of shapes and styles.
As one of your most important accessories, your bouquet should compliment your size, your attire, AND your personal style. Below are some of the more popular bouquet styles used today, and a description of what wedding styles and attire they work with best.
Organic / Boho Bouquet:
A very 'casually' styled bouquet, giving a 'just picked from the garden look. This style actually takes quite a bit of talent to get right...it's easy to end up with a hot mess! It also helps to have a good photographer because it's easy to capture this style from the wrong angle.
The organic bouquet can be round, oval or cascading (as shown in this photo). Because of its organic flow, it's my personal favorite style.
Works best with a less structured or 'bohemian' dress.
Perfect for outdoor weddings or barn weddings.
Great for marriers with a casual, less structured style.
Also perfect for the marrier who wants a very natural, wildflower, or casual look
Cascading Bouquets:
After years of hand-tied bouquets, these designs are gaining popularity because of the amount of artistry involved. A cascading bouquet is a design containing a mass of flowers that are arranged to trail to a narrow end. The tail can be any length and it can be flowing or structured. There are several different bouquet styles that are in the cascade family, including the Organic Cascade, Natural Cascade, the Traditional Cascade, the Teardrop and the Crescent.
Natural Cascade + Boho Foliage bouquets
The Traditional Cascade
A more formal design. Great option for a traditional marrier. (Think Princess Diana)
Works best with a full skirted dress, a ball gown, or a dress with a long train.
A great option for a tall or full-figured marrier.
Perfect for the marrier that wants to focus on the FLOWERS.
The Natural Cascade
A less formal design. Is typically a hand-tied bouquet with trailing natural elements such as ivy or eucalyptus
Works great with a full skirted dress, a ball gown, or a dress with a long train.
Perfect for marriers who like the Organic look but prefer a touch more structure.
A great option for almost all marriers.
Teardrop Bouquet:
A more contemporary and modern variation of a cascade. Shaped like an inverted teardrop, this design is very structured and fairly short.
Works well with full figured marriers
Compliments full skirted dresses, A-line dresses that flare at the waist, and dresses with long trains.
Perfect for the marrier who wants modern touches to a traditional wedding.
Crescent Bouquet:
This design mimics the shape of a crescent moon where the main part of the bouquet is the center and the sides trail to the right and left. This design can be either symmetrical (both sides equal in length) or asymmetrical (one side shorter than the other).
Great option for a taller marrier
Compliments full skirted dresses, and dresses with long trains.
Perfect for the non-traditional marrier or the marrier with an artistic flare.
Arm Bouquet:
Otherwise known as a pageant bouquet, this style sits in the crook of your elbow. This is a good design for someone interested in carrying larger flowers or line flowers such as Calla Lilies. For a modern twist, this bouquet can be carried to the side rather than cradled in the arm.
Works well with slim figures.
Compliments empire and sheath dresses.
Flower type determines the formality of this style.
Hand-Tied Round Bouquet:
This bouquet is composed of a gathering of flowers with the natural stems left intact. Stems may be covered with ribbon or foliage or left natural. This bouquet is most often a round shape. It can also be very formal or very informal, depending on the type of flowers used.
Works well with marriers of medium heights and builds.
Compliments most dress styles if properly proportioned.
Posy / Nosegay:
A small version of the round, hand-tied bouquet. Because of its size, care must be taken that this bouquet is not lost against the wedding dress. This style is often used for younger or smaller members of the wedding party, and is becoming quite popular for parents to carry. A nosegay or posy can be created as a natural cluster of blooms (less formal) or as a compact composed bouquet (more formal).
Works well for the very petite marrier.
Works well for Junior attendants, flower children, and parents.
Often used as the Tossing Bouquet.
Compliments non-traditional shorter wedding dresses.
Fits an understated wedding